Friday, November 30, 2007

The Storytelers Networks

In this part of the weblog we catalogue grassroots testimonies on what people and their peer networks are trying to interconnect to end malaria; by looking at the detials of the story , maybe you can spot a magic connection that's in your socila networks remit to help link in - can schools do stuff? can bishops networks? can your city bring some twin region relationships into hi-trust motion; is there a missing nugget of knowledge which iteslf could make the world of end malaria more truly and so actionably connected


ending malaria is not primarily a connect more money issue; it is an invest in dufferent emkpowerment maps and openly interconnect every network that has the same overall mission of emnd malaria from killing up to one child every 30 seconds in this areas where historiaclly the knowhow had been boxed in rather than open sources

example testimony example why

To take just one analagous example: imagine if in New Orlenas of 2000 a dot com or other virtual commnunity had empowered people to tell water-flow stories; would the puzzles as observed from the grassroots up led to a different top down organisation of US and state governments so that when an exceptional instant like Katrina started to emerge, the response was from every locality of need up not one top down standard

What's you commun ities greates potential katrina; where do you heroise observers stories; are these being integrated all the way up to whomever in your nation has teh ersources to prevent greatest risks from compounding; without maps linking people who care : its almost a random lottery which community wil be devastated by waht lack of grassroots integration of observers stories up

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