Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Malaria Liberia
America's most pivotal person in ending malaria in terms of funds reach and expertise is probably Larry Brilliant -search all , news (if no news click archives in lefty column)

Countries ready for more systematic ways to end malaria than the over-fashionable net include:
*Rwanda because focus of Cilnton Wish

*Uganda because leaders are up for a system change

*Tanzania - possibly because of the conference where Larry Brilliant will likely take central stage

The transparency network we most trust for all systemic solutions of Malaria is connected around Peter Burgess

The emerging telecentre movements - their ability to circulate life-critical kn owlhow - in Africa give a new chance to end malarai for ever

Next big news stages on malaria include:
American Idol - mid (24,25) april 1 2 3
Malaria World Awareness day april 25

We welcome your collaboration nominations -mail

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Robinson, grassroots & womens leaders Clinton & Rwanda
Brilliant 1 1d
Transparencycoburn 0 Gates F
Roger Bate 0 (Richard Tren director)

the strange case of BAT against DDT in Uganda

complete links

senator coburn calls for greater transparency in accounting

Path to Living Economies 2001 document calling for collaboration- co-authors as follows

Collaborative Authors:
Larry Brilliant
Larry Brilliant is a student of karma yoga, a hog farmer, technologist, somewhat hypocritical
philosopher and physician, who helped lead the successful UN World Health Organization
campaign to eradicate smallpox in India and founded the Seva Foundation ( which
has done over 2 million free eye operations. Wired magazine calls him a “technology visionary”
because he co-founded, with Stewart Brand, the legendary online community “The Well" and
FastCompany says he is "two-thirds Dalai Lama, one-third Chauncy Gardiner".
Edgar Cahn
Dr. Edgar Cahn is Founder and President of the Time Dollar Institute and author of No More
Throw-Away People and Time Dollars with Jonathan Rowe. His long and distinguished career
includes working at the Field Foundation, founding the Citizens Advocate Center and positions
at the University of Miami School of Law, Florida International University, the London School
of Economics and U.D.C-David C. Clarke School of Law.
Duane Elgin
Duane Elgin is the author of Promise Ahead: A Vision of Hope and Action for Humanity's Future,
Awakening Earth: Exploring the Evolution of Human Culture and Consciousness and Voluntary
Simplicity: Toward a Way of Life that is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich. In addition, Duane has
worked: as the founder and director of a non-partisan media reform organization seeking to
revitalize the conversation of democracy; as a senior social scientist and "futurist" at SRI
International; and as a senior staff member for a joint Presidential-Congressional Commission on
the American Future.
Hazel Henderson
Hazel Henderson is a world-renowned futurist, evolutionary economist, consultant on
sustainable development and author of Beyond Globalization, as well as seven other books and
over 250 published articles in such journals as The Harvard Business Review, The New York
Times, The Christian Science Monitor and Challenge. In 1996, Hazel shared the Global Citizen
Award with Nobelist A. Perez Esquivel of Argentina.

David Korten
David Korten is President of the People-Centered Development Forum and co-founder and
board chair of the Positive Futures Network, which publishes YES! A Journal of Positive Futures.
David has over thirty-five years of experience in preeminent business, academic and international
development institutions as well as in contemporary citizen action organizations, is the author of
several books including When Corporations Rule the World and The Post-Corporate World: Life
After Capitalism, and frequent keynote speaker at conferences around the world.
Bernard Lietaer
Bernard Lietaer, one of the original architects of the European single currency, wrote The Future
of Money while a fellow at the Center for Sustainable Resources at the University of California at
Berkeley. He has been active in the domain of money systems for a period of 25 years in a
variety of positions including professor of International Finance at the University of Louvain,
Central Banker, president of Electronic Payment System and currency trader.
Amory Lovins
Amory B. Lovins co-founded Rocky Mountain Institute and serves as its Chief Executive Officer
(Research) and Treasurer. He has briefed 12 heads of state, held several visiting academic chairs,
authored or co-authored hundreds of papers as well as 27 books (including 1999's Natural
Capitalism), consulted for scores of industries and governments worldwide, and was named by
The Wall Street Journal as one of 39 people world-wide "most likely to change the course of
business in the '90s.”
Russell Means
Russell Means is a self-described activist, actor, artist and author, whose activism has spanned
over 30 years, including the legendary siege of Wounded Knee 1973. Once called "the most
famous American Indian since Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse" by the Los Angeles Times, Russell's
current projects include running for governor of New Mexico, realizing his vision of a Total
Immersion School in the Lakota Sioux culture and language, developing alternative energy on the
Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation in South Dakota that will ensure social and economic stability for
future generations.

Richard Perl
Richard Perl is a New York City-based entrepreneur and attorney with experience in the fields of
real estate and resort development, entertainment, alternative health, natural foods and
transformational consciousness. Richard is one of the founders and original board members of
Social Venture Network and he is also one of the founders of Threshold Foundation, an on-going
network of conscious individuals committed to personal and societal change
John Robbins
John Robbins is the author of The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and
Our World, Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness, and
the Future of Life on Earth, and Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and
Embracing the Source of True Healing. John walked away from his father’s company, Baskin-
Robbins, and the immense wealth it represented to “…pursue the deeper American Dream…A
dream of a society that is truly healthy, practicing a wise and compassionate stewardship of a
balanced ecosystem.”
Elisabet Sahtouris
Elisabet Sahtouris is an evolution biologist, futurist, author, lecturer, and business consultant.
She has taught at the University of Massachusetts and M.I.T., was a science writer for the
NOVA/HORIZON TV series, is an internationally popular lecturer, television and radio
personality, and is the author of EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution, Biology Revisioned,
co-authored with Willis Harman and A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us. She is a
resident visionary advisor to SVN.
Michael Shuman, Village Foundation
Michael Shuman is Chief Program Officer for the Village Foundation, as well as running
Community Ventures Consulting Group LLP, the Green Policy Institute and He has written, co-written or edited six books, including Going Local:
Creating Self-Reliant Communities in the Global Age. Michael’s articles have been printed in
multiple publications like The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, Parade, New York Times, The
Nation, Chronicle of Philanthropy and Foundation News

Judy Wicks, White Dog Enterprises, Inc.
Judy is Founder and President of White Dog Enterprises, Inc., which operates the White Dog
Cafe and an adjoining retail store, The Black Cat. The cafe is dedicated to purchasing from local
organic family farms, hiring from inner city communities, paying a “living wage” to all staff, and
social activism. Judy has convened the SVN Living Economies Initiative to advance sustainable
local economies by promoting local networking of like-minded entrepreneurs, promoting local
sourcing, purchasing from rural, inner-city, and other locally owned companies and producers,
protecting local natural resources and demonstrating and teaching environmentally sustainable