Wednesday, March 21, 2007

America's most pivotal person in ending malaria in terms of funds reach and expertise is probably Larry Brilliant -search all , news (if no news click archives in lefty column)

Countries ready for more systematic ways to end malaria than the over-fashionable net include:
*Rwanda because focus of Cilnton Wish

*Uganda because leaders are up for a system change

*Tanzania - possibly because of the conference where Larry Brilliant will likely take central stage

The transparency network we most trust for all systemic solutions of Malaria is connected around Peter Burgess

The emerging telecentre movements - their ability to circulate life-critical kn owlhow - in Africa give a new chance to end malarai for ever

Next big news stages on malaria include:
American Idol - mid (24,25) april 1 2 3
Malaria World Awareness day april 25

We welcome your collaboration nominations -mail

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